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Year of Birth:







We found Bruce up North and he came to us with a bowed tendon. We sent Bruce to a rehab for a few months where he received intense therapy on that tendon in hopes to get it to heal quickly. Bruce responded so well to the treatment he came home and found his forever home with one of our training clients. He had brought his horse in for training and was looking to add another trail horse to his herd so he and his wife could go out together. He needed something with some energy, one who knew was he was doing with a great personality and Bruce fit the bill! Bruce is living like a king in Bakersfield!

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Interested in purchasing?

If you're looking for your next unicorn, we have wonderful horses of all ages and disciplines who are looking for a loving new home.  The right home is the priority for Tough Luck Trio and our horses!

Our horses are never forgotten

Each and everyone one of these horses holds a special place in our heart!  Believe it or not, 3 of us don't always bond with a horse together.  Sometimes horses like one of us better than the other or responds better to one person…etc.  When they leave, they take a piece of us with them...

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