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Year of Birth:







Quarter Horse





Velvet’s owner was suffering from dementia and her two horses had to be rehomed. The 2 horses had not been ridden in a long time but were champion halter horses back in the day. The Trio purchased Velvet and her daughter Truly with the hopes we could put some training into them, find what they love to do and find a forever home for them. They had been together for 17 years and we hated to see them parted, but not everyone wants to take on 2 horses. After a few months of training Velvet found her forever home with a therapy riding center which was just a perfect fit for her! She would always have someone to ride her and love her! And the center was just phenomenal. With some luck ANOTHER therapy center was looking for a therapy horse and came and adopted Truly. That therapy center was RIGHT NEXT DOOR to Velvet and both horses get to visit each other often. The perfect happy ending!

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Interested in purchasing?

If you're looking for your next unicorn, we have wonderful horses of all ages and disciplines who are looking for a loving new home.  The right home is the priority for Tough Luck Trio and our horses!

Our horses are never forgotten

Each and everyone one of these horses holds a special place in our heart!  Believe it or not, 3 of us don't always bond with a horse together.  Sometimes horses like one of us better than the other or responds better to one person…etc.  When they leave, they take a piece of us with them...

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